Numarul aplicatiilor iPad disponibile in Apple Store a ajuns la peste 7000. Dintre acestea merita sa enumeram cateva:
- Air display: permite transformarea iPad-ului intr-un al doilea display pentru laptopul MAC, pret 9USD
- Copilot Live: aplicatie de navigare GPS, disponibila cu diferite harti
- binecunoscutul Beejive IM disponibil acum si pentru iPad
Barrons reports that one analyst is predicting that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer will be part of Steve Jobs’ WWDC Keynote presentation.
According to Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with tiny Global Equities Research, 7 minutes of Steve Jobs’ keynote is allotted for Microsoft. Microsoft will reportedly be talking about their development tool Visual Studio 2010. The new version of Visual Studio will reportedly allow developers to write native applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS.
The move would be a big surprise given Apple and Microsoft’s competitive history. In addition, the announcement of PC-based development suite for iPhone and Mac OS would be major announcement. At present, developers may only create iPhone and Mac OS applications from within Apple’s own Xcode development suite which only runs on Macs